It is a running joke with my friends that if you are going to dinner at Isabelle’s house…EAT FIRST! I’m the first to admit I am not that good of a cook, nor do I enjoy cooking. But we all have to eat, right?
As a working mother, I can’t have cooking be something I worry about. I am very conscious about what I feed my family. But I would rather have it “magically appear” than have to fuss all day.
I live for healthy take out options. We have a great organic grocer whose deli counter is always fresh and flavorful. Many Chinese food restaurants will make food to order, which is great if you long for healthier takeout.
At first, I was nervous about asking for takeout options…but soon found even neighborhood bistros without to-go menus could accommodate. Obviously, some are cheaper than others, but today’s take-out leaves you with a nice array of options.
With that said, I never skimp on setting a wonderful table complete with porcelain, linens and candlelight. And I never have anything packaged on my table even if I’m serving takeout food. From ketchup to ginger sauce to chow mein or pizza, I always present in porcelain pieces. Ambiance is mine to create, and I get such joy embracing that.
I value family dinners, but, let’s face it, mom is a little more relaxed on takeout nights. Dinner is our time to connect and slow down even if we are serving takeout food. And my family is happy because there is actually good food on the plates!